Golden Years Head

Thursday, June 3, 2010


The story is told about how Charles Schwab, one of the riches in united states during his time, made more for himself and his companies by just planning his activities and sticking to them on a daily basis.

Charles Schwab once told an expert by name ivy lee, “if you can give us something to pep us to do the things we ought to do, I’ll gladly pay you anything you ask within reason.”
“Fine,” lee said, ‘I can give you something in twenty minutes that will step up your “doing” by at least 50 percent.”
He then handed Schwab a piece of paper and said, write down the six most important tasks you have to do tomorrow and number them in the order of their importance.

“Then lee said, “Now put this paper in your pocket and first thing tomorrow morning took at item one and start working on it until it is finished. Then tackle item two in the same way; then item three and so on. Do these until quitting time… do this every working day. After you’ve convinced yourself of the value of this system, have your men try it… and then send me a cheque for what you think it is “worth”.

A few weeks later, Schwab sent lee a cheque for $25,000 calling his advice the most profitable lesson he had ever learned, in just five years, lee’s plan was largely responsible for turning Bethlehem Steel Company, which was Schwab’s company into the biggest independent steel product in the world.

In the words of C.W Wendte: success in life is a matter not so much of talent or opportunity as of concentration and perseverance.” What are the most important things you need to do on a daily basis? How often do you plan your day and stick to it. Many plan quite alright but do they really stay to the plan?

If you follow this plan, it will be difficult for you not to accomplish several things I in a day. Many wake up in the morning and just set out for the day without planning their day. Before they know it, the day has gone without them achieving much and the next thing you hear is complain about time.

Why won’t you hear them complain when they met an old friend on the street and ‘gisted’ for one hour without knowing it. Some would stop at the vendors just to take a shot at the headlines, before they know it, an hour has gone. In the office, a colleague or subordinate can consume your time with things that might be irrelevant. This will hardly happen if you have things written down that you want to do.

I don’t joke with my ‘to do list’. As soon as you accomplish number one, you strike it out. Anything that has to take me away from it must be very serious. That’s the simple secret to getting so many things done. People have come to marvel how I manage to do things I do, now you have the secret in the open, so go do same.

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To your success!

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